Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Life is a journey, this is mine - Part 1:
I have just finished reading the book’ “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind” by Bill Johnson, from the very early years of my walk with God, my best friend and I would dream of the supernatural, we would be fearless when it came to praying for the sick, wining souls to Christ, then as time went by and I became more in entrenched in Christiology and playing church that the fire for the miraculous faded into a distant memory.

For the past 5- 6 years I have been content with status quo living a life that has been numbed by choices I have made. It was about 6 years ago that I was exposed to the world of online gaming, It took all of 5 minutes and I was hooked, it took me on a journey that would span 6 years of compulsive gaming, I am a gaming addict. I almost lost my wife of 10 years came very close to loosing my job and more than that it has numbed my heart, for what ever reason it was my escape from the reality of this life, and adventure where I could do the impossible, and I was good at it!

In the past few months, my dissatisfaction with the status quo, the yearning that burns in my heart like a heartburn that cannot be appeased, I know that God is doing something to win back my heart. I made a choice that the road I was on was leading to my destruction and that only God could change my heart. I repented of my idolatry and my stubbornness to not heed to his voice, and slowly things are changing.

This book, “The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind” has confirmed and reinforced my longing to be a “History Maker” I know that God has called me for a purpose and that I want to be a vessel that will be a conduit for Him to fulfill his plan in my life here on this earth in this time.


Anonymous said...

Why is it that these authors taunt us with some great, unachiveable mysterious feat of epic proportions that waits just ahead of us if we'll but dedicate or consecrate or whatever ourselves to the adequate decree. Do yourself and this world a favor. Stop waiting for the mysterious and the grand quest that doesn't even exist. Do the really hard and heroic stuff; be a good father to your kids, be a good husband to your wife. Find someone less fortunate then yourself and help them. You see, the real Jesus was once asked about the greatest of the ten commandments. It was a trick question of course, but Jesus answered it well. He said to love God and then to love your neighbor. You see, loving those closest to you is the hardest, most rewarding and heroic thing most people will ever do. Do that and you will have done well.

Charlie Porteous said...

I have to agree with the anonymous poster- “Do the really hard and heroic stuff; be a good father to your kids, be a good husband to your wife. Find someone less fortunate then yourself and help them.” This is foundational to the who I am and what I do yet this is not enough for me, because there is a Jesus of whom you speak that wants to reveal himself to me and to my family. What you call the mystical I call the “norm” it is what we should be experiencing as part of our daily lives, here and now not when we find ourselves floating on the “proverbial” Clouds

Jn 14:21 The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]

Jn 14:12 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father

What greater way to show this world the love, compassion, healing power of this Jesus than allowing Him to freely work through his vessel, why is it that this Jesus chooses to use mere mortal man to complete his mandate of making diciples of all nations

Charlie Porteous said...

While I was in Mozambique this past week I began to reflect on the above post and realized how arrogant my comment was. I felt God begin to challenge me on the being a good husband and a good father, in reality I began to understand that yes I am a husband, a father, but I am sure that if you had to ask my wife Mary if I was a good husband and father she would no doubt answer that yes I was a good father in her eyes, but a good husband-well the years of neglect due to my compulsive gaming has left a bitter pill in her mouth.

Being a good husband and a good father for me is much like the journey that I am currently seeking to walk, it’s a journey that happens every day, I would be a fool to expect that at the click of my fingers I would be the “good husband and good father”.

I know that it is truly the desire of my heart to be the best husband to my wife and a great father to my kids. How I live that journey will be the “testimony”

I was reminded that the Word will be the lamp to my feet and the light to my path; I believe that God will show me what I need to do and know today and he will reveal the path I need to walk tomorrow. Mr Anonymous asked “why the author taunts us with some great, unachievable mysterious feat of epic proportions that waits just ahead of us”, because in my heart something burns for what I know I am destined for, in my heart there is longing to walk the road less traveled in order that in time when my journey is at its end that I would know that I have fulfilled His purposes in my generation before I pass on to the next life. Should He return before I push up daises then my hope is that I would be living in that Glory he wants for all His kids.